Tuesday, September 14, 2010

a bipolar character

You may have noticed, I was in a "down" mood lately.
I was obsessing about the idea that maybe
"that's it", that "this is as good as it gets" and that things wont get any better.
The idea is so scary people. It freaks me out! Imagine that.......

Well, I won't get into that now. It doesn't matter, actually it does, but that's not what I wanted to share with you today.

Because of this dark cloud above my head, I have been feeling sort of sad ; like I haven't achieved anything or done much in my life. And somehow, when you're down, even the positive things in your life seem dull, like the stars in the sky stop appearing due to dark clouds but once unexpected winds come over shoving the dark clouds away, you'd feel amazed by the amount of bright twinkling little dots glittering your name in the sky.
Thing is. I realized. I have a love for life..
actually, a lust for life.
I love so many things and like to try out some more. 
I like the outdoors, the active life as well as the little luxuries. 
I like travel and cultures and parties and sports. Yet I enjoy domestic activities like cooking, reading .
I'm a geek deep inside yet I care for fashion and social life.
I love romantic movies and cheesy romance novels,
super heroes and fantasy stuff. I like everything, almost! No wonder I'd have more disappointments than most people, I have more of everything than most people.

So I, Saso, the most bipolar person you could ever meet, have made the realization that , from now on, I will make life, a beautiful thing. That's how I see it when I am in my "ups", May God bless me with the ability to still see it this way when i'm in my "downs".

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