Thursday, October 28, 2010


last Saturday i were at Diwan Heliopolis  in the upstairs cafe and i over heard the following conversation between A girl in her 20's sitting with 3 guys in their early 20s

they were discussing some business or group of a sort..
I'm a couple of meters away from them so it is -as always- easy to eavesdrop. Apparently the girl represents some company that recruits salespeople who work from home and get paid only on commission based on performance by end of year, etc..
Something that sounds too fishy and slightly too good to be true..
For some reason, she is only addressing one of the guys.
The other two seem like they are the guy's friends, but also like they are already in the girl's team somehow.

The guy -as all guys do- is trying to act 'fetek'. Like he is asking all the "right" questions, and what if this, and what if that, and what guarantees, etc. But it also seems he's game..

So in the middle of it all, I hear a sentence that was going to make me laugh out loud.

Girl: so, f aswa2 el zoroof, you will have 10 contacts.
Guy: tayeb, howa fee aswa2 men aswa2 el zoroof?
Girl: Enta motasha2em bardo?

I thought they called it aswa2 el zoroof for a reason..

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