Friday, July 17, 2009

Do you ever wonder who she’d grow to become??

That sweet little girl you walk by in the street or the one who smiles back at you from the back of a car seat ahead of you….how about the ones you hear crying in the mall and others dancing and clapping to the radio tunes??? Have you ever taken the time to imagine what kind of woman she will grow into? A girly girl, a hard worker, a selfish manipulative bitch, a loving mother, supportive sister, an executive, a mental drunk, an eccentric dark minded artist or even a heartless scientist?? And does the thought of it take away from you the joy of watching that little girl enjoying herself forcing you to unconsciously smile with satisfaction for having the chance to experience this glimpse of purity and innocence!!! Do you feel scared from the thought of what the future beholds for her? Will she be harassed, manipulated, controlled, abused, rapped, looked down at, discriminated or you wish she is rather cherished, respected, understood and loved? That little girl who yet can’t say her name…who can only smile back at you …. Is just a girl….simple! For her I pray happiness, forgiveness, strength and above all enough ruthlessness as it shall be her means to keep that little girl from being crushed within her as she lives her life in years to come … to be safe and sound. There is no other ultimate objective …. That little girl shall never grow older!

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