Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Strength and courage . . .

Strength and courage is when you've had almost everyone doubt and criticize everything you are and believe in, yet you still stand up and keep trying. Strength and courage is when circumstances promise you will never make it, but you keep pushing until you find a way. Strength and courage is being beaten down personally and emotionally, yet you still maintain the strength to be level headed and keep trying. Strength and courage is to have your entire life and everything you worked so hard for taken from you, yet you still stand up and say "I will not let these circumstances define me. My power is making the most of everything that comes my way because what goes up comes down, and what goes down must go back up even higher." Strength and courage is to be betrayed by almost everyone you know, yet you find a way to let all of the hurt go because you "let God" handle it. Strength and courage is having the ability to stand up for who you are and have faith in God, the universe and yourself enough that what crosses your path NEVER effects your pursuit of a brighter future. You may temporarily be hopeless, hurt, negative or human, but to refuse to stop trying that is STRENGTH AND COURAGE

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