Monday, March 08, 2010

and here's my updates in plain words

finally i am here, to say my big news :)

i officially left my work and the whole telecommunications industry for good,
 no more mobiles. no more quota,no more sales..

the story
about a month and a half  ago i started preparing my file to present it to department of justice after my father pulled some threats and got me a job at the Supreme Court of Appeal,
 so after 5 years of feeling that my work is eating my life
i'll have a life, i'll have fixed times of work, have lots of time to do other things during the day, which amazingly fits the plan i recently put for myself.

i know the payroll is going to be less than what i used to take, but i'm totally fine with it
 as long as it will cover my expenses,
all my friends thinks that i'm stupid for making such career swap, but i'm really happy and comfortable, 
i believe that i'm taking the right decision  for me here, 
and common  be realistic its not like when i took the big salary i went clubbing every night, or spent my holidays at spas and getting tanned sitting in poles or shopping for evening dresses.

bottom line
 this thing was in my mind for many years, and it happening now is a perfect timing for me, 
as i need the change, and the different life.

second update
 couple of days ago i booked an appointment with an Orthodontics on wednesday, to straighten my teeth, 
which is another thing that has been in my mind for many years also.

* now my plan is complete in my mind i'll reveal it exclusively to you my virtual world (L)
i decided to give time for myself, lots of time.
i decided to get everything i wanted to do to me "look wise" and postponed it before done by the end of this year isA.
i will make me worthy loving me,working on my phobias, and issues that needs to be worked on.  
i'll finally do what i always wanted to do but was too busy extending my hand for others, while i knew that deep within me i'm a mess, i'm not complete 
i'll be complete on my own, to be able to give, to be able to share,
i won't live in a bubble as i did last year, waiting for love and appreciation to come from the outside, waiting to be loved to feel good about me and love me 
its just not right.
i am my priority for the time being.
i decided i'll no longer take risks for anybody, nor change my life routine.. 

*now to the part that has been rolling on my head since i got the news that tomorrow is my first day at my new job:

new day, new people, new place, new life, new expectations, new perspectives.... 
new,,me?!! still can't tell

*tomorrow is the beginning of the rest of my life :)
wish me well 
here, i'll leave you with this amazing song and say
nighty night

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