Tuesday, August 18, 2009


To me fearless isn’t being afraid it’s getting hurt, having doubts, being afraid but still living life in spite of that. Its having your heart broken but still giving it to someone else who you think deserves it. Fearless is thinking you are a bad person but yet you still try to change that. Fearless is having been at gun point but then gets away and isn’t afraid to go back out there. Fearless is many things. To a girl fearless is having a guy tell you he loves you and not mean it and dump you or cheat on you. Fearless is getting back out there after being hurt. Fearless is what we all are.....


  1. what a bunch of pretentious bullshit

  2. i don't like the fact that "a stranger" visited my blog and calls my thoughts bullshit, mean time i'd have respected your point of you if it was justified !!!
