Tuesday, August 04, 2009

YES, been there, done that!

YES, it’s a very regular phrase we all say every now and then; the frequency of saying it depends on how much experience you've. YES, we all have the same experiences because of different situations, the lesson is always the same and we do all read it in mails flying between us that show how similar we all are! YES, we have been raised that every thing that brings joy or happiness is a sin, don’t wear that, don’t be in a relationship "3eeb", don’t speak to this girl, she is a devil, Its an order to live according to others point of view. YES, spontaneously we criticize others, for example when you find two young persons walking on the cornich, you start to criticize them, even if you think about it and know that it's their right to love!! It's normal because you have been raised on that! Its not just family; the whole society! Masha2 Allah..kolo ba2a mosle7 eg'tma3y men el darga el 2ola!! YES, we all know what is right and what is wrong" but sometimes and in a certain age, we do the wrong things just to hurt others and we discover – may be after it's too late – that the only person who got hurt is your own and no body else. YES, in our society, it's forbidden to THINK by your own and makes your own judgments... YES, religion in our society means FEAR, when they teach us how to be religioned, its always fear, its always DON’T DO.. The hell is waiting for you. No space to make your own mistakes! The ironic thing is, all gathering you set in, the same people that say " DON’T…" talk about every one, cheat, lie; and this is all "SOCIALIZING"... YES, I'm not saying to drink win and have sex and feel that nothing wrong with it! "The BALANCE" and what makes you really comfortable with your soul, want to drink win, see others who drink and see after they got drunk what they do, need sex, go and get married from the person you CHOOSE, with what you can manage and afford! Then and only then, NO woman will ACT just to have a wealthy groom and no man will act as if he " deek el baraber ely malosh mesal "just because he has money and may be all what he needs is three words " a3ozo bellah..enseref " YES, we are afraid, its all fear and fear and fear.. till the limit you cant even know what do you like or dislike. You just have to accept what is offered.. And if you overcome your own fear, you won't escape others fears. And the endless circle again and again.. YES, the end is the same for all of us, DEATH, I do afraid of death but I'm afraid more to waste my life thinking of it and awake all of a sudden to find myself a very old woman that wasted her life thinking of it and rarely lived! YES, no one knows when he or she shall die, but we all do know that we are ALIVE. we all afraid of living our lives!! YES, we do take the religion cover just to escape from reality and we want to guarantee the unknown with loosing the way to reach it, and finally and with this attitude, we may loose both. YES, this is not coming from a wisdom sheikh or monk or even a priest, I'm just a normal human being, been there, done that!

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