Tuesday, June 16, 2009

i am that kind of girl

I'm the girl that loves everything but hates the facts that she does. I'm the girl that has always followed her heart. I'm the kind of girl that says things she has no clue what they mean but doesn't want to be left out. I'm the kind of girl that listens to the things people say to me shake my head but never feel like listening to them. I'm the kind of girl that is always up-beat and fun with others but alone, sits and cries for something to change. I'm the kind of girl that wishes people would see the real her, and give her a chance. I'm the girl showing off, and I'm the one jumping at every chance to do it. I'm the girl that everyone really thinks has much of a talent, but rushes on home to write her heart out. I'm the girl people gets her involved, with things, with issues i don't know why? and although this bothers me, I let it slide. I'm the girl who listens to you cry, and reassures you everything gonna be okay. I'm the girl who cries herself to sleep, because her life is not what I want it to be. I'm the girl who wishes to stop being this girl, I'm the girl who wants to change, wants you to see it, wants to prove it, breathe it, live it, but selflessly lets everyone go first, because that's just the kind of girl I am.

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