Thursday, June 25, 2009

personal experience

our society suffers from a major deformation in their understanding for relationships, which of course would be a result for feelings and so on.. I find it very strange that people don't want to share/show their feelings in general let alone in public. this goes to any relationship that entails feelings event parenthood, parents definitely love their children but they never show how much they love them and this. if you go back in history to our role models in religion, Moses, Jesus, Mohamed and many of God's prophets (peace be upon them).. all shared and communicated their feeling with their followers, families, friends, ... I think people need to think more on how to make their beloved ones feel their love so they learn to share their feelings. It is not enough that you hear it, it has to be demonstrated in their attitude as well. the insurance i think feeling the pain is good. Falling in love is a risk like any other risk you take in your life whether in business, buying new car, taking career decision, etc.. you will never predict or estimate the results but you have some inputs and some calculation that 75% according to my experience or whatever this would work. The beauty of it is that you held beautiful feelings that some people didn't even realize how love really feels, so it is a blessing but it comes at the cost of the risk of losing this love. Some people cry out loud because they cant find the true love or even don't know how does this feel. you should feel pain and you should be angry but you should feel gratitude to God he gave you this blessing. and then comes the usual word (learned lessons) which i personally hate because learned lessons translates to things i don't want in my next experience so we end up with a mythical creature impossible to find :) I think learned lessons should be re-evaluated again. TRUST People are not up to their word these days. i don't know why.. is it the bad economy? is it the bad manors? is it lack of proper social etiquette, etc... What I couldn't believe is that i like watching old movies because they are full of those missing qualities. I wonder where did these things go? we need them. I need to trust my business partner, my life partner, my car mechanic, ... if you think closely about it... we lost trust in everything :( which is a dangerous thing when it comes specifically to relationships and love.. if you ask me my opinion... if i find my partner not trustworthy in his work life i would think about the whole thing because it traverse in everything you do in your life. read a book called "what happened to the Egyptians" by Galal Amin.. it will answer a lot of these questions on what has happened to our society... which of course reflects to the feelings and how we deal with relationships. I feel bad because the lost qualities and i cant stop reading or watching old stuff trying to learn how to behave and how to retrieve those qualities and spread them again at least in my controllable circle of trust,

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