Sunday, February 14, 2010


I'd like to think I'm not a high-tempered neurotic person nor am I a calm and quiet one either.
 Pretty much a normal girl who tries hard to keep my emotional outbursts to the minimum in public.
I don't know how long has this been happening, but it's a recently, probably a couple of months or so. 
It's like because so many feelings and emotions are kept inside, I sort of get those emotional bursts.
 If it were a movie, you'd see my hair big and messy, dark makeup melting off my eyes, shouting , insulting and cursing.
 Yelling at the top of my lungs like a crazy person.
 Then in a few seconds, I push some of it out and go back to calmness.
 In the movie version, I straighten my hair, wash my face, put on some lip gloss and smile my way back into whatever I was doing.

sometimes , I really wish I can just tell it to the face of the people who deserve it. 
But really, the responsibility of this actions is not the kind that I can deal with.

It's odd. but it does happen! Only for a few seconds like I said. And thank God, only inside my head. 

** i have been suffering from this odd syndrome lately, which includes mixed feelings of anger, anxiousness, super hyper, feeling like crying and telling jokes at the same time
but the feeling that mostly makes me uncomfortable is this strange feeling of not belonging anywhere, i can't stand staying in any place anymore..
 when i'm i'm at work or at home or out with my friends there's this continues feeling inside that is not justified at all that i need to be somewhere else now!! 

 that's it for now.

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