Saturday, February 27, 2010

salmon, dentist and fashion

at 2 pm I am in Casper & Gambini's City Stars, 
I flip the menu for about 5 minutes, then I ask the waitress to come and order mushroom  Soap and Grilled Salmon.
 The waiter looks at me and smiles saying: "Salmon?
 or would you like to have Pasta?"
And I am like "!!!!!!"
 Am I not Salmon Material?
 Did I ask for your opinion? 
If I want Pasta, Why would I possibly ask for Salmon !!!

then i headed to the dentist clinic
I walk in through the building entrance, 
the security guard asks me: "where to?"
I tell him " DR. xxxx clinic in the third floor".
 He says: " something is wrong with your teeth, do you have cavity or are you going to remove a tooth?
 and again I am like "YES !!!! 
I am sure as hell it just didn't occur to me to spend my Saturday afternoon at a DR clinic!!!!!!!

today, and for reasons I now can't imagine, I went shopping with a friend of mine with a typical egyption choppy body.
She'd seen a dress in a magazine and wanted to try it on.
 When she did, she started crying because she though she looked fat and lumpy in it.
But then she would, I pointed out, because she's a woman with breasts and hips and buttocks, and those hadn't been catered for in a design aimed at someone who looked like two parallel lines from any angle. 

The problem with a lot of women's fashion is that it is the work of gay men and designed to look good on adolescent boys.

so We decided that fashion is for fools and went for a cheeseburger instead." that i just sat and watch her eating because i just get my teeth done :s

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