Sunday, February 21, 2010

yes i can post bla bla blahs here, its my blog !!

the intro:
you know that in real life there's rarely happily ever afters, in real life there's barely after,, never after, since after but rarely if never ever after  :s

the realization: 
there's no fairy tales in real life ,its just useless stories that have been stuffed into our brains, so just believe me and move over it because noone will come in a shining armer and a white horse to save anyone, and none is gonna come back from the dead by a kiss from a handsome prince
in real life its dark , messy, and cruel.  

the thought
if you're waiting for the universe to pity you, you are wasting your time, because the universe spins and spins and don't give a damn about whom is whining or whom is laughing.!!

the conclusion:
life is not fair, but who said it's,
 shit happens all the time and there's nothing i can do about but accept it ..

the approach:
i wanna miraculously change myself into a cheerful person again, 
i have no idea how i'm gonna do it, but i really miss feeling
happy so much, 
i miss enjoying things like a good conversation on the phone with a friend 
without being disturbed by a recalled memory that once happened
 i miss enjoying an outing without thoughts spinning in my head
i miss fixing my hair, and looking all trendy and stylish
the confession:
i am admitting the fact that i'm alone
 and i must love/like me now for me not for what i resemble , give or do for anyone   
i am free so i just have to stop imagining that i'm still living in that bubble 
it is over
and i am done here

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