This conversation was overheard yesterday in Starbucks makram ebeed..
The group was 2 women, one in her 40s and one in her 70s, and a man in his 70s (older woman's husband). The younger woman doesnt seem to be their daughter but more like a niece or so..
the conversation captivated me so much that i started typing what i could catch of it.
Old Woman: di kan esmaha Palmyra, konna bneegi hena neshrab beera.. ma3rafsh ghayaro esmaha leih!
Younger Woman: *laughing* La2 Starbucks di chain kebeera bta3et coffee', di maogood menha f engeltera w fransa w lebnan.. ento maba2etoosh tenzelo.. lazem tenzelo 3ashan te3rafo el donya.. maba2etoosh te3rafo 7aga..
Old Woman: la2 ne3raf menein, kan zaman.. 7atta wala zaman...
Younger Woman: ana 3arfa ento leih 7abseen nafsoko fel beit keda.. seneen mabtenzeloosh..
Old Woman: aslo el sha3b elli 3eshna ma3ah zaman mesh maogood.. kan geddo bta3 7afalat w bridge w keda.. konna lamma nenzel el balad no3od 3and Groppi w neshteri 7agat men west el balad...
Younger Woman: w da emta da? men arbe3een sana? (in an exaggeration tone)
Old Woman: *thinking* aiwa ta2reeban men arbe3een sana.. bass kan 7elw Groppi wel nass kano mo7tarameen...
---- a while later
Old Woman: mesh bey2oolo eskendereya 7ateghra2? eskendereya w port said.. el mayya mortafe3a.. 2areit keda fel gornal el sob7
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