Friday, December 04, 2009

atribute to all the losers up there

five or six years ago I had many groups of friends, each with their own mindset, sense of style, definition of what's cool and what's not, what's wrong and what's right, what is fun..etc. I used to try so hard to belong to each of these groups , to fit in only to realize that I was just a little bit different. Yes, they are all my friends. Yes , I have a lot in common with them. But there was just something missing. I always felt like something was missing, no one understood what I felt, what I want ...etc. I made it a point to prove I was different than everyone I met. after those five or six years, I had less groups of friends, again, each with their own everything. I refused to admit I belonged to any particular one, but naturally, I found myself at ease with everyone. I believed in the concept of "one", that we are all the same, no matter how much we claimed otherwise. I made it a point whenever people would say that I was every other person. When people would say that I changed, or that I was so unique, I'd argue so hard to prove that no, I'm not, I'm just like you... whoever you are, whatever you are. And I was comfortable with this belief for a while. Then a while after, when I started to doubt and re-question everything. I questioned my own self.. was I the same as everyone else or was I unique and different. Then I came to the comfortable realization that "I am unique, so is everyone else", which although satisfying as a theory, doesn't really work in real life, because we all struggle to belong somewhere.. anywhere.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I liked that, I went through similar experience recently and found the movie "Ambition to Meaning" a good material to dive deeply in who we are and our relationships with people.
