Friday, April 27, 2012

fluffy, childish mode

I accept your love and I give you mine.
Not the love of a women for a man,
not the love of a mother for her newly born baby,
 not the love of God to his creatures,
but a love with no name and no explanation,
 like a river that can't explain why it follows a particular course but simply flowsonward.
A love that asks for nothing and gives nothing in return, its simply there.
I will never be yours and you will never be mine, nevertheless, I can honestly say: I LOVE YOU.

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On a side note

Sometimes you meet people and you just feel convinced  that your relation won't work whatever kinds of relations it is.
Then you make it for a month, then two months, then a season, then half a year..
And then you realize that you got used to each otheryet as soon as you realize this you would each go your separate ways.
The more serious commitment would deprive you of your "liberty"
And keep you from experiencing everything you wanted to experience.
you believe that your basic values hadn't changed. But how to be sure!!

So you put things into testing get back to the basics stick to what both of you love to do and let go of everything else
I wanna spend hours talking to you, go to the cinema everyday
Go for long walks eat out, live in a small studio with a tiny wardrobe..
I wanna prove that my belief is true that most sophisticated things in the world are precisely those within the reach of everyone.
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Posted By Sarah to deeply in my mind at 4/27/2012 12:08:00 PM

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Posting my own secret on a card (April 2012)

I desperately want to feel happy and cheerful it's been too long ride of gloominess, disorientation and weariness...

Are we the result of what we learn?

We learn in the past, but we aren't the result of that.
I mean we do suffer in the past, love, cry, laugh in the past, but that's of no use to the present.
Present has its own challenges, its own good and bad side.
We can neither blame nor be grateful to the past for what is happening now.
Each new experience has nothing whatsoever to do with the past experience. It's always new.
Again I talk to myself in the forme of talking to other (as if someone is actually here)
no one ever stays the same.
people who quickly get this obvious fact of life are more alive than anyone else, they don't expect people to behave as they did when they first met, nor do they want people to stay the same as when they found each other.
People aren't used to that way of thinking. They want everything to stay the same
And the consequence of that is pain.
We aren't ever the person people wish we were. We are who we decide to be.
yes it is easy to blame others, but honestly our successes or failures are entirely our own responsibility.
And at the end even if we try to stop time it will be complete waste of energy.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

ظاهرة عامة

حالة تجتاح الجميع من حولى فى هذا البلد التعيس حالة من الغوغائية والهمجية والانتهازيين والطامعين، حالة لا تفرق بين طبقة عليا متعلمة ومقتدرة واخرى جاهلة ومطحونة وثالثة من المجرمين والبلطجية كبارا كانوا ام صغار،
حالة مثيرة للغثيان والاشمئزاز مما تثير له الاوضاع، من التناقض.. من اللافهم الى عدم الرغبة فى الفهم الى مجرد الرفض للرفض او لعدم قبول الاخر/المختلف.
حالة مشجعة بشدة على الانكسار والانهزام والتقوقع ورفض التواجد فى هذا البلد اذا كانت هذه المهزلة وهذا الواقع هو فعلا واقعة.
لم يتغير شئ.. ولن يتغير شئ بعد سبعة الالاف عام اخرى، لست متشائمة ولكنه الحقيقة بدون محليات.
لم اعد اطيق العيش هنا، اصبح الهواء يخنقنى وكل ما حولى يسبب لى تلوث اخلاقى وبصرى ونفسى وسمعى.
تبا لكل الافكار والاحلام الفارغة
وليحيا الجهل والجهلة
وليعيش البلطجية واللصوص احرارا
ولتمتلأ الادمغة بالسموم
ولا فرق
لن يتغير شئ